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GDPR: An Assessment

It has now been a bit over three years that the European General Data Protection Regulation has been in force. What has the effect been? First, it's worth pointing out that the principles behind the GDPR sound quite reasonable and the aim of the regulation makes sense. It&

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Simple and Clear

I find writing blog posts on a regular basis extremely rewarding. I would like to do it every day. I'm sure doing it consistently over the long term will have large benefits. At the same time, it's easy to start writing something only to then find

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Generosity and Kindness

At Chorus One, we have had two values on our websites for a while. These are: > Radical Truth & Transparency We are committed to understanding reality as it really is.We seek feedback and conflicting views to eliminate the biases within ourselves that distort our view of the world.

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MEV: Crypto vs TradFi

I have been reading Flash Boys by Michael Lewis and find the similarities to MEV (miner/maximally extractable value) in crypto very fascinating. In both cases, there is a gap between someone sending a transaction and it being finalized. And there is value in that information that can be exploited.

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One of the Buddhist concepts that I find most interesting is the concept of refuge. In the book Turning Confusion into Clarity [

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Focus vs Exploration

As a company, you can take your existing business and try to make it better. Become more efficient, do it at a larger scale. Or you can explore new ideas. New directions. New problems. Clearly, some balance of both are needed. If you only explore, you will never produce enough

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Team Retreats at Chorus One

We're about to start our 13th Chorus One team retreat. Team retreats have been an important part of our culture and how we work together since the beginning. The first one was in April 2018, when Meher and I traveled to Egypt, where the first engineer we hired

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It's important to pace yourself. There is always more to do. You will never catch up. Many people tend to push themselves too much to get to some finish line. But the finish line rarely exists. It's better to find a pace that is sustainable. So

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Bad Things Ahead

Every morning, I spend a while imagining bad things that could happen. Things like: * I had an accident. I am injured and bleeding. I know I only have minutes to live. * My mind is not able to find mental clarity. I'm in a blur, struggling to understand what

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Roam Research

I rely a lot on writing to organize my thoughts and make decisions. In the past, I used Evernote and created a note for each day. I ended up with around 3,500 notes and while I got some value out of it, I would never go back to read